How to Get Unstuck, in Life & Business
It doesn’t take much to get the sinking feeling that you are stuck or in a rut. Whether it be a creative rut, a daunting home to-do list, or you are feeling overwhelmed by the commitments you are facing at work, sometimes it takes a little perspective to dig yourself out of the trenches and get back on track. Here are my top 6 tips for getting unstuck. Looking for more? Click here to get in touch with me directly.
Determine where you are at in your life at this moment. How would you score yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 with your health, relationships, finances, hobbies, spirituality and career/purpose. Understanding the areas where you feel “stuck” or frustrated is an important first step.
For each category, determine what does a 10 look like for you? Be specific and clear about what your ideal state looks like. A general statement such as I want to lose weight or be healthy isn’t specific enough. If you aren’t clear about what you want it can be very difficult to achieve it. Your goal needs to be specific enough that you will know when you have accomplished it.
Typically it is best to choose the categories where your score is the lowest. A lot of people tend to pick a category where they are already scoring high because it is easiest for them. Sometimes facing the reality of where we are right now in the areas where we score lower can seem challenging to tackle. It’s usually those areas that need the most time, attention, and focus to eliminate frustration in our lives and to create the most significant changes that have the highest impact. What changes can you make right now in those areas to move to a higher score? What habits do you have right now that aren’t serving you? What could you stop doing and/or start doing right now to move forward? What is a solution you haven’t tried before that could help you get to the next level in the life category you are focusing on?
Do the people you spend the most time with encourage, challenge and support you? If the answer is no, what can you do to find people that lift you up? Are there people that have achieved what you are trying to achieve or that you admire that you could reach out to for mentorship? Who can help provide you direction with moving forward? Mentors who support you and want you to succeed but are also willing to give you constructive, honest feedback are important to have. Sometimes it takes the perspective of others to help us see our blind spots.
Know why it is important to achieve the goals you have set. Are you passionate and excited about the journey and the outcome? If you are not excited or passionate about the goal you will have a difficult time staying focused and consistent. Block time each day or week to work on your goals. What distractions can you eliminate to make time to work on your goals?
Don’t forget to celebrate milestones and successes. Recognize your progress, even the smallest steps. Consistent small steps lead to big results!
Looking for more hands-on support? Click here to connect with me directly and see if high-performance coaching is right for you.